So, you're wondering why you've stumbled across this "blog" and why you're reading it. What do I have to offer the world that is worth taking time out of your day to read?
Well, for starters, my life, most days, is quite like a soap opera...or at worst a good sitcom. I have ups and downs, and I like writing about them. I mean, I could keep a journal, but what fun is not sharing your shortcomings with the world? I'm open. I'm out there. And you might laugh.
My life...almost 21 year old college girl, searching for her place in life. I've been a theatre major / musical theatre major for three years, and I am passionate about it. Do I have doubts? Yes. Am I afraid i'm going to live in a box? Of course. Do I second guess it? Almost every day. Would I change a thing? Of course not! My sorority is coming to my college (I transferred), and I am excited to see where that will lead. I'm an only child who lives three hours from home and two parents who adore me and dote on me. I have a boyfriend, a roommate, some friends, a Pomchi, and a rat. I'm hoping to work at a pet shop soon. I have a deeply rooted love of animals.
So that's your intro to me, and I'd like to think that people would actually like to read this. Who knows if they will or they won't, but I promise if you do, I'll keep you entertained. I've had enough ups and downs in my life, and they seem to keep me reeling daily. Yet, I bounce back...eventaully.
Goodbye for now,
Marli Paige