DISCLAIMERS. If you're squeamish or don't want to hear the reality of my miscarriage, I'd encourage you to turn back. If you came here because you're experiencing something and want to hear my story, that's what it's here for. I'd rather something good come out of this.
So back in February we conceived, and I decided to be very open and vocal from the beginning about it. "If something happens, I'm an open person. I'd rather everyone KNOW than hide it" was my motto, Day 1.
April 5th We went for our 7 week scan (which he thought was an 8 week scan). But they said baby measured 7 weeks 1 day, not 8 weeks 2 days. I had a Small subchorionic bleed: 1.77 x 0.49 x 1.74cm
And a cyst on my left ovary "corp lut cyst: 3.40 x 2.15 x 2.29cm"
Pregnant was considered viable and healthy. Had a strong heart beat of 148
I had a Pap smear because I've had irregular post in the past. My last one said my ASCUS (abnormal squamous cells of undetermined significance) was GONE. However, at that appointment they said while the HPV was cleared, ASCUS was back. Nothing they could do while I was pregnant, though.
Approximately April 12-13 unbeknownst to us, baby passed away. It stopped growing at roughly 8 weeks 1 day.
Pregnancy however continued because my body was unaware. I continued to have symptoms including nausea, vomiting, weight gain, cravings and food aversions, placenta continued to grow. Everything seemed normal.
On Monday May 2
I did some yard work. Afterward I had a phone meeting with a client. And then went to the bathroom and saw brown spotting. I thought I'd just overdone it. So I put my feet up and let Ian get dinner for us.
About 11:30 that night after a bath I passed a dark brown clot. After a little research, I woke Ian up and said we needed to go to the ER. We were scheduled for our next ultrasound the following day. Or by the time we made it to the ER, that day.
By 1 we had an ultrasound and were in a room. By 2, we were informed baby had stopped growing and had no heartbeat. We rode home in silence. And I cried for about an hour uncontrollably until I fell asleep.
Tuesday May 3...
Ian, the strong and practical one, went to work as normal. I told him his boss would understand, and he should just text he wasn't coming in. But he went in. However, as soon as he boss talked to him, he broke down. And before 9 he was home again in bed with me crying. I don't remember him ever crying before.
He kept saying "I thought I was fine..." And so I told him about when I was in 6th grade and my dad was having his colo-rectal cancer surgery. I thought I was fine until I walked into school. I saw the homework I was supposed to have brought on someone's computer, spin on my heel, bursting into tears and began running along side my parents car, beating on it. You're fine until you're not...and you never know when that will strike...
Our doctors appointment was rescheduled from 1 to 4 so we could see a real doctor not a NP. And in Austell, not Douglasville. So we went.
While in the waiting room my parents finally called. They're on a cruise. This always seems to happen. Something dire happens while they're completely Unreachable. Thankfully, mom's cousin, Tina, was on the cruise with them. And she had Facebook access to find them. I told them what happened, and we all cried. But it costs like $5 a minute to use the phone, and I had to get back to the doctor, so it was quick.
They told us the baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks 1 day roughly a week after our ultrasound. That it could've been from the bleed. Or it could've been from something being wrong with the baby. They wouldn't know. They let us choose between the medicine or a D&C. We scheduled a D&C for Tuesday of the next week.
We went home. We cried. Everyone reached out to me on Facebook. So many people told me they'd been through it. Some I knew. Some I didn't ever know. The outpouring of love was immense.
About 11 that night I started getting strong cramps. I took one of the Percocets that the dr prescribed. I got a few hours of sleep on the couch.
Wednesday, May 4...
Ian woke up, went to work, and once again found himself crying at his desk and came home. He just wanted to know if there was a clock that would tell him when he'd be ok again. We both seem to be sparked by people showing they cared. Every nice person sparked tears. But it was nice that people cared.
By 10 am the "cramps" were clearly contractions. I had taken 1 more Percocet. And about 10:30 I went to the bathroom and gave birth to my baby.
It was deflated and in two pieces. But it was my baby. A clear eyes and mouth. Like a little grey blob with those. And I put it in a baggie to keep for the doctor.
There wasn't a sac around it. I never saw a sac at all. Just a huge clot and a tiny baby.
I went to go wash off in the tub and the pain was getting worse. I took another Percocet. It had been 4 hours. I was nauseous and being hit by wave after wave on unbearable pain. I washed the blood off and got out.
I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. So I did. Pain got worse. Passed more clots. Pain got worse. I called the doctors office trying to figure out what was normal and what wasn't. I told them I passed the baby. And might not need the D&C. And asked for a nurse. Said I'm in the middle of a miscarriage.
They accidentally hung up on me. By now Ian was in the room. I was writhing in pain. I'd filled the toilet with blood three times. I had on a pad to catch it now. Hoping to measure how much I was bleeding.
He called them back and put them on speaker. In his head he was trying to calculate if he logistically thought he could get me in the car, or we needed an ambulance. I was hot and cold. Sweating. Shaking. Having contractions. Feeling like my insides were being ripped out. Bleeding profusely. Nauseous. Feeling like I was going to vomit back up the Percocet and Zophram.
I was moaning. It hurt too bad to stay still. But it hurt to move. So I was just moving one foot at the time. Laying at a slight angle. Praying For it to be over. I thought I was dying. I REALLY thought I was dying.
The nurse said if I filled more than 1 pad per hour to go to the ER. Otherwise, it should pass. I got up and ran to the bathroom again. I pushed. A clot the size of my fist came out. I assumed it was the placenta. The cramps subsided. I could breathe again.
We thought it was over. The nurse made an appointment to recheck me Friday at 11:30.
Most of the afternoon I was a little crampy but ok. Mostly exhausted and weak. I kept passing large amounts of clots though. I filling up about half a pad an hour and changing.
About 5:30 it kicked back up. Slowly but surely the pain came back. At 7 I was looking up if I could take ANYTHING else. Because 2 hours after, and the pain was becoming as bad as before. I could take Advil. So I did. About 7:30 I climed in the tub again, the only place that gives me some relief. The warm comfort. And just as I was running water something came shooting out of me.
To say it was disgusting was the understatement of the century. I've never seen anything grosser. It was about 7" long and looked like a bloody, fleshy penis. It had a sort of "head" shape that was as big around as my thumb. And the shaft was sausage sized. This is it in a ziplock bag.
Ian was on the phone with his dad, and I had to call to get him to bring me a Baggie. He did and was shocked to see me floating in so much blood. A LOT of blood came out with it. Along with a lot of clots. I continued to spurt out some blood, and I tried to figure out if anyone else had a deformed penis shaped placenta. I saw some people had a sac covered in tissue. So. I went digging to see if maybe the sac was inside. It wasn't. Just blood vessels and placenta looking bits. It was just hardened and deformed. Which apparently can happen if your baby dies. Extra tissue can adhere.
It was so gross. I put it on glow nurture, my pregnancy ap. One person thought placenta. Several thought fibroid. One just said "go to ER NOW!" But the pain was passing. And the clots stopped.
I've had normal period level pain since then. And normal-heavy period bleeding. Filling up a pad every 4 or so hours. I took a Percocet to help me sleep last night. One when I was crampy at 5,
And once when we were going to leave to get flowers at noon.
Unfortunately, even when tragedy strikes you can't say "I know your wedding has been booked for a year, but gee...I can't do your flowers." So. I still have those to do.
My flower person, Jessica, just hugged me and told me how much she cared. It was nice to actually touch another human. We've sort of isolated ourselves through this. And human contact was really nice. Tonight his mom is coming to bring dinner. Tomorrow we go to the doctor and Aliya is coming to help with flowers. I may update then, too. But for now...it only hurts when I do too much. I tire easily. And it's nice to know people care. And Sunday...is Mother's Day. The dreaded day that will remind all the moms who had to give their children back that they're somewhere else, not here with them.
I'm sure I'll have hard days and good days. Right now the physical hurt is worse than the emotional. Everyone else seems to think the emotional is worse. Maybe it will be. But for now, I'm trying to just make peace with my angel baby.
I still wish I knew the gender so I could call it "he" or "she" or even name it. Really name it. And I still have to do something with the baby things I already had. But. It'll be ok. It'll all eventually be ok.
We can try again after I have a real period. Generally that's 6-8 weeks. A lot of people were pregnant about 3 months later. Some it took a lot longer.
And I think I'll always celebrate in my own way 3 days for this baby.
April 13. The day it went to heaven.
May 4. The day it left me.
November 21. The day it should've been born.
It was still our baby, even if it never took a breath. It was loved. It was wanted. And it was blessed to have been both of those things. And we were blessed to be Mommy and Daddy, even for a short while.
Mommy, Daddy, & Baby C. April 9, 2016.