So, I've been "working from home" with my Floral Business for two years now. I start year 3 TODAY! But, I've been looking for other ways of income. Because...the floral business isn't a constant thing. Sometimes there are lots of weddings and sometimes there aren't any.
So, someone introduced me to "Instant Rewards." I'm an instant skeptic because I've been burned by Mary Kay, Arbonne, and other MLM and "get rich quick" schemes in the past. Generally speaking nothing good comes from someone saying they have a work from home job or a business opportunity on the internet. So, I started digging.
I typed "Instant Rewards" and "Instant Rewards Scam" And "Instant Rewards Complaints" and even on sites that usually contain nothing but scathing reviews like ripoff report...I found overwhelmingly positive responses. The people who had negative things to say said things like:
"It's a MLM SCAM!" but they didn't say why...
"They'll cheat you out of money!" But the company didn't do that. They were "cheated" by not canceling their free offers before the time limit was up.
"This is such a waste of time!" And i'm sure if you don't put any effort in (or minimal effort. Nothing happens without hard work) it probably is.
But my favorite response to those people was "If it's a scam it's not a very good one....they don't get any money from you...." and that's true. They are a marketing company. Their main goal is:
Get people to their site
Get people to sign up for free trials (or not free trials) of products or services
The companies that advertise with IR then pay IR for getting new customers in their door (hoping that either they like the product enough to stay, or that they forget the signed up and get charged).
And in return, IR pays you for your time.
It seems pretty simple right?
Everything I've seen and read makes it sound REALLY simple. I mean, it's not hard at all to sign up for things, try them out, and then cancel them if you don't want them. So where is the work?
You don't get paid for things YOU sign up for. You have to get others to sign up. That's where people call it Multi-Level-Marketing. IR calls it Turn-Key. The person who signed you up gets credit for you once you've completed "1 point" worth of offers (for example if you sign up for that's .05 points. And if you sign up for Free Credit 360 that's .25 points.). But after you've completed that "1 point" of can start signing people up and making money.
So the work comes in finding people to sign up. But Instant Rewards helps with that. They have training videos (like the one below) to help you understand and get started.
They offer posts that you can copy and paste onto sites like facebook or craigslist or any other site to share with people. And they give you your very own referral link (like mine: ) where they can sign up and give you credit for their products and services they sign up for.
So why am I telling you this? Because not only do I want to make money (hey, if you click my link and you complete the 1 point's worth of tasks, I get $$), but also, I know how hard this economy is and how hard it is to find ways to make money...and I want YOU to make money too! I know that sounds like such a crock, but it's true. I've been jobless (traditional working for someone else jobs) for two years. Making ends meet with your own business that fluctuates like flowers is HARD. If I didn't have my husband, I don't know how I'd make ends meet. But this is something that I can do, I can set my own hours for, make money on my own time and terms, and have a semi-constant income on top of my flowers.
There is no membership fee. You don't pay to sign up. You don't pay a monthly fee. You don't pay Instant Rewards anything EVER. You simply pay for the products and services you try out (or put in credit card information and still get it free as long as you cancel before the 'free trial' is up). That's it. You pay for what you use. And all businesses require start up costs....just think about even getting a new job at an might need pens or notebooks, new clothes that were business appropriate...this isn't any different (or maybe even cheaper). I only bought things that I thought I'd use (or wanted anyway), and then I signed up for the free offers that I'll cancel before their time runs out (you have to use it 75-90% of the trial time). And then, when others sign up under me, I'll get money deposited directly into my PayPal account. It is literally that simple.
So, sign up, look around, try it out. You really don't have anything to lose. Do your own research if you want. Try to find negative and positive reviews. Weigh the odds. the end, I think you'll realize (like I did) that you have so much to gain from at least trying to make this work. And NOTHING to lose.
So sign up by clicking my link: