Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tangled in progress

So my Tangled cosplay is continuing to be a giant pain the neck. It's literally going to cause pain in my neck because my wig weighs 20 lbs.

That's what mine looks like at this point in time. It may be drastically changed before it's over and done with. I kind of don't like the way it's looking. And it has to have combs and fasteners secured in there because it can't stay on my head the way it is.

As far as the costume itself I have the dress (almost done). It needs her front dark purple panel, the outer design, and lace at the collar and hem. Then I just need to make the sleeves....

got the fabric and cut it in strips

pinned the pieces together

8 pieces pinned for each sleeve cap (the poof part). Now I just need to sew and stuff.