Saturday, November 3, 2012

Board Game Box

So probably everyone has seen the adorable Monopoly board turned into a box floating on pinterest at one point or another. I have it as one of my first DIY Decorating pins:

I followed the link to the website:

which has step by step instructions on how to do the box. They seemed simple enough so I began to make the chalk marks on my board. Now that I have finished this let me say that using chalk WAS a good idea. I also (as pictured) went ahead and put Xs on the portions that are shown as "grey" in the diagram so that I could know what was "extra."

Now, if like me you are using some other board game where the sides are VASTLY different, you should do what I did not...LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE CUTTING. My leftovers were all the things I LOVE about Candy Land: The castle, Queen Frostine (now named princess guys and demoting her are dumb), King Candy, and the big "Candy Land" Logo.

Ok, so, we've established you need to pay attention to what you want on the box because you're only using slightly over 1/2 of the board for the box.

Second.... have a very sharp knife that is meant to cut through thick cardboard. Get a box cutter or some other type of very sharp blade. I started using an x-acto knife and moved to a kitchen knife by Master Chef because it literally cuts through anything. However, it doesn't make pretty cuts, and I ended up with ugly edges because of it.

I "fixed" this issue by adding ribbon to the edges of my box top. Also, because of this, my box is not perfectly symmetrical and is a little gappy.

I chose not to score my lines (the dotted ones shown in the grid) and instead make folds. My board was pliable enough to make this possible. So I had to use less hot glue. However, I do not think my box is as clean looking because of this. So, it's your choice whether you fold or cut. I'd say cutting is probably a better choice if all your lines can be completely straight.

All in all, be aware that though the box looks quite roomy on the picture, it's very small. It's big enough to put 2 wii remotes in on their side. And that's about it..So while it's cute, it's not very functional unless you're storing game pieces like dice, cards, and coins. Then, it's a cute way to hide little pieces.

I still haven't decided what i'm doing with the extra board pieces, cards, and playing pieces. I will keep you informed on what becomes of them. I'm thinking the playing pieces at least are going to become jewelry. We shall see.

Don't forget to subscribe to get more pinterest trials. I tell you what works and what's a waste of time, so you don't have to do it yourself!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cookie Bowls

So we've all seen the cutesy pins about using cookies for bowls by taking the cookie, wrapping it around the back of a cupcake tin and baking. Sounds so smart, right?

Perhaps it depends on the dough you're using, but I did this with homemade pastry dough DID NOT WORK. I was making little mini apple tarts, and I put some of the "bowls" inside the muffin tins and cupcake tins and some outside. The outside ones stuck MERCILESSLY. As in I had to soak the tins for TWO DAYS before they came off, and I greased the backs of the pans.

Now, i'm more than willing to give this another try with different dough, but if it does work with cookies, it DOES NOT work with pastry dough, heads up.

Well, that's all for now,

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Watermelon Pin Cushion

No catchy titles today, ladies and gents just pure crafty fun.

So this is a DIY project that I just created myself. So, it goes on my DIY I Have to try! board:

First, I didn't have a pin cushion anymore so I thought "self, what do I have to make a pin cushion out of? And what would be cute?"

Things I found:
red felt
green silk
pipe cleaners
watermelon gingham ribbon
Needle, Thread, Scissors

Now feel free to make your own version with different things you just have around. But, I decided to make a cute little watermelon pin cushion.

All in all, working at a leisurely pace and watching Downton Abby as I went, this took me about 2.5 hours. I could've done it MUCH quicker. But I was just enjoying it.

Cut shape in felt
Easiest thing to do is double it over and keep the bottom part connected so you don't have to sew needlessly.

See? If you opened it back up it would look like a butterfly

Sew everything together except the top.


Sew top together

If you're using ribbon for one decorative side like I did, add that.
I added a second layer,
So I had one ribbon side, and one red side

Get out your pipe cleaners (I used 3)

Braid those jokers!

Sew one edge of the green fabric you have onto the pipe cleaners

Wrap it up tight and sew the rest of it on, securing all the fabric curled around the pipe cleaner.
Look, it's a caterpillar! 
No, really, it's your rhine.

Sew the rhine onto the watermelon


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

River of Geekiness

So for today's post I decided I would go back and re-edit some of my pictures of myself as River Song from Dragon*Con. I'll also include some other fun cosplay just for giggles after my pics.

This definitely goes on two boards of mine both the "costumes" board and the "geek love" board.

For my Costumes board:

For my Geek Love board (filled with lots of dr. who goodness):

To begin, my favorite. With the best TARDIS I saw:
She greeted me by saying "Oh Hello Melody Pond! Do you need me to assist you in falling from a building again?"

Just me, and my TARDIS phone cover.

My gun, not made to specs, but still...

Always carry a big gun

And oh my! I took the Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver

And i'm not blinking. I'm not blinking. I'm not blinking.

Other Highlights included:

Old Man Bert & Ernie

Meeting my boss, Brian Ibbot

Edward Scissorhands

Miss Piggy

The Beer Warrior

Rimmer from Red Dwarf
(I mean, where besides Dragon*Con has anyone even HEARD of Red Dwarf!?!)

Cat Nurse!

Meh Tardis and CASSANDRA!

Comic Dot Girl

Clockwork from Girl in the Fireplace, and Idris

Steampunk Doctor Who

(yes, this is a screenshot from a G4 coverage of Dragon*Con. I don't own the photo. I just didn't get a pic of them myself.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Money Saving Machine!

Why have I NEVER shopped at ALDI? It's kind of like Save-a-lot in south GA (went there a lot, never been to an ALDI since I moved up here).

For $35 I got:

small marshmallows
raspberry fruit leather
a bag of onions
2 lbs of ground sirloin 90/10
3 large yellow squash
A monster container of rolled oats
A carton of soy milk
Sliced Turkey
Veggie Chips
A pint of greek yogurt
100% juice cranberry juice
Bag of potatoes
Baby Carrots
Dried Cranberries
2 cans of Spaghetti Os

And yes, everything is "off brand." And no, none of it tastes any different so far. It's all just as amazing. You just have to pay more attention in the produce isle, but other than that, exactly the same just cheaper!

This is kind of a typical grocery list. I mean things fluctuate, but this is pretty typical. And at Walmart it probably would have cost me...$75-$100. About the same range at Publix (a little more, but the produce would be fresher, and they'd have whatever produce I wanted. Walmart, like ALDI is hit and miss as far as produce).  People that's a $40-60 savings range on ONE TRIP.

Seriously, stop acting like Lays are the only people who make potato chips, and if you don't get General Mills cereal that your kids are eating something bad for them (news flash, if it's bad as the off brand probably the on brand is just as bad). If you're on a budget this place is a GODSEND. Seriously.

Oh but also, like Save-A-Lot, you need to bring your own bags. They offer boxes from their stock when available, but bring your own bags. Also, if you want a buggy, have a quarter. It costs 25 cents.

Speaking of quarters...had to get a roll of quarters...$ do all my laundry. Why is laundry so effing expensive?

I'm seriously considering handwashing everything I own in my tub and then putting it on my balcony to dry because seriously....$10 a week to have clean clothes and sheets and towels? Really? Well, not EVERY week. But still....What's so special about this?

Monday, October 1, 2012

More Hair

Are you tired of hair posts yet?

I decided to go with the waterfall braid headband around to the side pony today:

And sad news, I had a really crappy day, and it constantly rained, so nobody even really saw it.

Tomorrow? Maybe. 

Know how to make me feel better? Subscribe! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cute Enough to Eat

So, I was on pinterest tooling around and thought "I bet there's cute halloween nails out there"

I saw these, Candy Corn, and thought to myself "i'm so dumb. why didn't I think of that on my own?"

Now the real sugary sweet confection looks like this:

Because the orange is in the middle (and it's the darkest color) I painted half my nail yellow and half white. I let this dry then painted an orange stripe in between.

Clearly the orange stripe is too wide, but it was a first attempt. However, I did get several compliments and "Oh! Her nails look like candy corn!" comments.

Time taken: 15 minutes
Difficulty level: Low
Pro-tip: DO NOT USE SCOTCH TAPE. It will take the paint off. If you want perfect lines either buy the stuff designed for nails or use something flat and straight to make an edge. The whole "just use scrapbook scissors and scotch tape to make cute nails" BS. Doesn't work. It strips the pain.

Best of luck and Happy Halloween month! May you have a Boo-tiful October!