Friday, September 10, 2010


Backtracking to fit in what else i've been up to: DRAGON*CON!

So, it was tiring, frustrating, but a lot of fun. My friend Jennifer Teeter was a real on the books performer for the con, which was really exciting. I manned her booth a bit and got a free Teeter button and cd out of the deal. She was amazing.

I tried to do the dress up thing: Rainbow Bright and Steam Punk Lady (such as they were). Next year I will be far more prepared and have as cool of a costume as everyone else did. My favorite I saw this year was Queen Frostine from Candy Land.

There were hundreds of panels I wanted to go to, and I didn't make it to a single one. The lines were atrocious, and I got so lost trying to figure out where I was that I missed most everything I wanted to go to. I managed to make it to the Time Traveler's Ball and both of Teeter's shows. I also made it to the AIE Guild Meetup and TwitTV meetup. I got turned on to my new favorite podcast, Ladies of Leet (which are actually my guildies!). I just wasn't prepared enough to market myself. I really needed a website and new headshots and business cards. I'm just not where I need to be physically, emotionally, or technologically for the amount of marketing I should have been doing.

So goals for next year:
have a hotel room
plan my costumes months not days or weeks in advance
have a fully functioning website, up to date headshots, business cards, and a smile on me
actually map out and follow my daily planner
order my ticket in enough time that it gets mailed and i don't have to wait in lines
be in the parade

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