Tuesday, June 9, 2015


On my journey to health and overall better well being (weight loss would be a wonderful thing as well, but my main goal is health)...I've been trying a lot of things lately:

1. Food

Eating only local organic foods from local farmers markets or from our garden (mostly)
Meat, potatoes, and onions from farmers market
Lettuce from our garden

Quinoa salad. Quinoa from the store
Cukes, tomatoes, carrots, and eggs from farmer's market. 

2. Drinks

I'm trying to drink more water. I've bought lots of flavor drops because I hate just water. And. If a few drops of something get me to drink more water I think it's worth the trade off. I'm going to start trying to go back to infused waters now that stuff is in season again. 

 Better drink choices (bought a REAL GINGER mix for making ginger ale with club soda at home. Also local)
You can buy online too: http://www.momintandthyme.com/

Drinking YourTea TinyTea.

 I haven't been following the detox instructions well:
1 morning 30 min before breakfast
1 30 min before lunch
1 30 min before dinner 

I've been getting in about: 1 per day 

Day one I did two. Both were at my parents house. I steeped for the recommended 5-7 minutes. I gagged. It was AWFUL! Why had LoeyLane (https://m.youtube.com/user/LoeyLane )
steered me so wrong!?! How could she drink this terrible crap and call it "good." Why did I waste all that money!?!

When I was home and back to my fake keurig I opened a bag and (for the first time but not the last) it broke because it was stuck to the packaging. Upsetting. But. I popped the non broken side down into the single brew, and low and behold IT TASTED GOOD!

Just a spoon full of honey and brewing it like NORMAL tea...it tasted like normal tea. AMAZING! 

This morning bag number two broke, but I repeated the same, and it worked fine. That's my main complaint with this. If I'm going to pay you almost $1 per bag can you make them NOT break? Thanks. 

(Also got my mug free as a promotion)

3. Supplements.

On top of my normal pill regiment, I now take a One A Day Women's Multivitamin and Turmeric. 

I got my turmeric while on sale at sams's club after doing a lot of research on this particular brand. Turmeric is highly recommended for inflammation and cancer prevention / healing. It's suggested that inflammation may be a major cause of a lot of problems and illnesses within the human body. So, getting that down or gone is good in my book. 

I will report back when I've been taking it longer. It's only been a few days so...I don't think I can give any useful feedback except that I'm hopeful, and they are indeed horse pills. 

4. Sleep. 

I have struggled with sleep my WHOLE life. My body is naturally set to nocturnal. I wish it wasn't. But it is. I've tried resetting it many times, and while it may work for a few weeks, it always resets I've tried melatonin, sleeping pills, tea, Benadryl, yoga, stretching before bed, no technology one hour before, watching tv to drift to sleep...nothing helped. 

FINALLY something seems to make a difference: ASMR. 

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a neologism for a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling sensation in the headscalpback, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or cognitive stimuli. 

Aka ever got chills up your spine when something feels good? I get that when something SOUNDS good. The hand motions and such do nothing for me. I turn the screen off. It's all noise to me. 

It's such a quiet, gentle sound that I drift to sleep. 

My favorite ASMR-tists:
(I'm linking a good video of theirs (for me). Feel free to browse and see what you like). 

GentleWhispering (Maria)

ASMRRequests (Alli):

Heather Feather:

There are TONS out there. So find your flavor (if you get the tingles or are merely relaxed by them). Enjoy a mind detox. 

I really think that's why I respond so well. My head is over clouded with "stuff." And when I try to be still all the "stuff" gets louder and louder and won't let me rest. This declutters and detoxes my mind so it can drift off to sleep peacefully. 

So after discovering ASMR my only issue was falling asleep with earbuds in HURT. 
My solution? (Thanks Maria) "Sleep Phones: Pajamas for you Ears." It's a band that goes around your head and has pockets for the little flat earphones. I used them last night, and my only complaint is that because they go over not IN my ear...I still hear my husband snoring. It's not nearly as immersive. But unless you have a ridiculously loud snorer in the bed with you. They should work great. 

5. Exercise

I'm still working on upping this. I've mostly been cleaning my house and gardening a lot. And carrying stuff up and down stairs. I'm trying to de-clutter my house, and so that requires a LOT of trips down the stairs to the basement. That's my current form of exercise, lol. 

I'm hoping to get a more structured one going as well. Every time I start a new one it lasts less than a week. Then I hate it. And I don't do it. Also, I got an xbox1 for the purpose of using the kinect to play dance games...the Zumba game I bought never worked. So. I got pissed and didn't try again. 

6. Decluttering

My new current "feel better" idea is...declutter my life. Every day I throw something away. Every day I move something downstairs. It's so FULL. I HATE it. I need openness. I need peace. I don't need all of this STUFF. 

So that's my next big project. Making my
House homey but happy. Open. Free of unnecessary clutter. 

So, that's my current routine of trying to be a happier, healthier me. I'll let you know how it goes. Feel free to try it and let me know how yours goes. 

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