Friday, September 21, 2012

Halloween Fruit-O-Lantern

So I'm sure that everyone has all sorts of Halloween ideas circling. I threw a party two years ago where I made Halloween Fruit-O-Lanterns. It was super easy, cute, and I wish people had actually come to my party to enjoy them.

Clementines or Oranges
An X-acto knife
Green spoons or forks (plastic)
Whatever other fruit you'd like in a fruit cup


Cut! Get clementines (or standard oranges), cut off the tops. By tops I mean just a tiny section at one of the ends of the fruit. It should look like you have a little hat on top of it. So like 3/4-7/8 of the fruit, and then cut off 1/4-1/8 to make a little hat.


Scoop! Scoop all of the orangey goodness out of the orange / clementine. Put that in a bowl to the side. Mix it with whatever other fruit you'd like to be in your fruit cups.


Carve! You want to take an x-acto knife and carve little adorable faces into your oranges. White you've got that knife out, remove the little pit end from the "hat" you cut off. So there's now a hole in the top.


Fill!  Take that orange goo and whatever other fruit you have on hand (chopped up tiny) and fill the orange rinds to make little fruit cups.


Push! Push a green spoon or fork through that hole you made so that the handle is now sticking out


Finish! Just push the spoon or fork down into the little cup so that the "hat" now sits back where it originally came from. You have a cute mini jack-o-lantern made out of an orange, filled with a healthy snack, with a green plastic spoon for a stem.

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